Discerning God's Will With Confidence

Finally, Get Unstuck, Wishing And Wondering If You Knew The Right Path To Take. Gain Confidence Knowing Exactly What Path To Follow, Even If Doubt Has Been Creeping In And You're Unsure If Or How God Is Speaking To You.

Are you tired of second-guessing every decision, feeling like you're wandering without a compass in your spiritual life? Feeling paralyzed, stuck, and utterly confused about God's direction?

Oh boy, I've been there too, and I know the agony of that place.Introducing the Discerning God’s Will With Confidence Workshop.

I remember those rough days, feeling lost, praying for guidance but hearing nothing. I desired more than anything to accomplish a deep understanding of God's direction. But every path seemed blocked, every decision clouded by doubt, friends, family, and even my spiritual community seemed to offer conflicting advice.

But guess what? I found a way out, and I want to share it with YOU!

Introducing the Discerning God’s Will With Confidence Workshop.

This isn't just a workshop; it's a transformational journey designed for ANYONE who's ready to confidently know what God is speaking for their life.

You don’t have to struggle alone anymore. Knowing God’s will for your life is possible, and I can give you the keys to accelerate your process and growth!

Imagine this: you have to make a decision, and both of your options are good options, but you want to discern God’s best for you. You spend time in prayer, easily recognize His voice, then quickly and confidently make your decision knowing that God is in it!

I know this can be your reality because I'm describing something that I do all the time! It's your turn to be confident in discerning the will of God in your life too!

I want to come alongside you and show you how to recognize when God is speaking to you!


It’s time to stop letting fear or lack of understanding hold you back. It’s time to take the next step towards God’s destiny and calling for your life with confidence!

The Discerning God’s Will With Confidence workshop is for those who are ready to increase their awareness of God’s voice, step out, take risks, and finally be confident you are in God’s will!

Right now, it’s time to be like Peter and step out of the boat! God wants to reveal Himself to you, but you have to be ready to take your spiritual growth to the next level.

You can start accelerating that process right now by joining me for this workshop. I’ll be happy to lend my 20+ years of personal and ministry experience to you!

Don't miss out on this life-changing opportunity. Your breakthrough is just a click away!


Hi, I'm Sarah

I’ve been helping my students to hear God’s voice, step into their identity, and move forward in their callings for over two decades!

I quickly learned, if I want to know where God is leading me, that I needed understand how He speaks AND how He speaks to me! It's quite a funny story looking back, but it was on the struggle bus for awhile trying to figure out if what I was hearing was God or not. I get it! I've been where you are and I know the way out!

Over the years, I’ve helped hundreds of people to learn hear God’s voice for themselves and accurately discern God’s will for their lives! 

Not only that, I’ve been able to help my students gain clarity on God's call for their lives and provide practical tools and the support they need to go for it!

The difference maker that I’ve found for discerning the will of God for your life is being able to recognize His voice!

This 1.5 workshop will provide you with 5 simple keys for growing your confidence to discern God’s will and help squash worry, fear, and confusion in your life!

What Would Your Life Look Like If You Were Confident In Discerning God's Will?

No more wrestling with doubts and fears wondering “Am I following God’s plan?” or sleepless nights of swirling confusion trying to figure out which decision to make again!

What I'll teach you in this workshop will bring you back to a place of peace in knowing you've heard God's voice and made a decision that brings Him honor and glory.

This could be the tipping point that launches you into the worry free you’ve life always wanted! 

It’s time to build your confidence in hearing God’s voice, raise your awareness of how He speaks to you, and easily make decisions that will deepen your intimacy with God and have you confident that you are in His will!

Isn’t it time to stop worrying?

Aren't you ready to upgrade your life?

It's not just theory, but practical, real, easy to do, teaching that has transformed thousands of lives! 

Don't just take my word for it. Here is what other students are saying:

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Imagine What Being Confident Will Feel Like…

The confidence that you will have will be exponential and you’ll save so much time because you won't spend hours worrying! But you have to do something new in order to experience new levels of God!

Are you ready to hear God’s voice in new and deeper ways as you connect with the Holy Spirit?

Are you ready to face one of those fork-in-the-road decision and know exactly how God is leading you?

Are you ready to spend time doing things you enjoy because you discern God’s voice so easily?

Do you want to finally be in full alignment with God’s destiny and calling for your life?

Here Is A Sample Of What You’ll Get At This Workshop:

  1. Learn the different ways God speaks and discover how God speaks to you.
  2. Participate in activations to grow your awareness of God’s voice.
  3. Receive teaching on the gift of discernment and how it functions in the life of a believer.
  4. Hear testimonies that will help you overcome struggles with worry, doubt, and fear.
  5. Develop the ability to confidently discern God's will in your life, leading to more assured decision-making.
  6. Gain insights to recognize when God is speaking, facilitating a more profound connection with His voice.
  7. Overcome struggles that will boost your spiritual growth and authority.
  8. Learn simple keys that will grow your confidence in understanding God's will, helping to eliminate worry and confusion.
  9. Build courage to step out and take risks in alignment with God's plan.
  10. Accelerating your spiritual growth process with strategies that lead to quicker alignment with your divine calling.
  11. Gain clarity on God's specific call for your life and get tools needed to pursue that call.
  12. Enhance relationships and other areas of life by applying wisdom and guidance received by hearing God speak to you.
  13. Receive coaching from an experienced mentor with over 20 years of personal and ministry experience!

What Do You Have To Lose?! Join me for this fREE workshop

It’s time to squash fear, worry, and doubt in your life.

It’s easier than you think and I can’t wait to help you launch to new levels of intimacy and confidence with God!

As soon as you sign up you will be sent a link to join the Facebook group.

See you inside 🥳

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